There’s no such thing as the perfect mom, but you can get it just RIGHT.
Hey there, friend. I see you. You’re struggling, maybe even feeling overwhelmed right now. But mostly, you’re just tired of always feeling like you can never get ahead. Things feel fine for awhile—and then they don’t.
Life is full of disappointments, unexpected moments, and challenging relationships.
I’ve experienced a lot of those myself.
But I’m also here to encourage you. As Christian moms, we have everything we need for life and godliness with God’s Word and His Holy Spirit.
No matter what, sweet friend, you don’t have to feel stuck, anymore. You can get things right. And, I want to show you how.
Hi there!
Welcome to Healthy Living Mom!
If you’ve been a mom for any amount of time, I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase, “Don’t worry! You’ll just figure it out as you go.” But being healthy as a mom doesn’t just happen with the right planner, parenting style, or exercise program. It starts with having the right foundations for godly living.
Motherhood can be a whirlwind of responsibilities—to the point that you start feeling overwhelmed with life and don’t know what to do. If that’s you—don’t stay stuck! Get relief today with the FREE 15 Minute Breakthrough.
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New to the Healthy Living Mom Community? Motherhood is a challenge—but it can be enjoyable and meaningful if we’re starting with the RIGHT foundation that is rooted in biblical principles for godly living.
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about the author
Hey there! I’m Sonya and I’m so glad that you’re here!
Have you ever wondered, “Am I making a difference?” or “Does what I do as a mom really matter?”
As I’ve talked with several moms, I’ve found that so many struggle with these same thoughts. They feel overwhelmed with motherhood and that they’re losing themselves in the process.
In my own journey of motherhood, I’ve come to learn that the overwhelm, the struggle with identity, and the “I’m just so tired all the time”, stems from something much deeper. That’s why it’s my passion to help you get to the root of those struggles and start your journey to becoming a healthy living mom. So that you can experience abundant life and motherhood.
What my readers love most, is there’s no pressure to hustle more, work harder or faster—because you already do that as a mom. I think you’d really be encouraged by what I have to share and I’d love for you to join our the Healthy Living Mom Community. Take care, and I’m glad you’re here.