2 Practical Tips for Making Self Care a Priority + Self Care Ideas List

2 Practical Tips for Making Self Care a Priority + Self Care Ideas List

It’s seems like everywhere I turn, someone is talking about the importance of practicing self care. And while I love me a good pedicure or manicure, those tips for self care aren’t really going to help you in the long run. Why? Because the effects of a manicure…like the nail polish they put on…it wears…

How to be Effective at Clearing the Clutter [plus 10 minute challenge]
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How to be Effective at Clearing the Clutter [plus 10 minute challenge]

Clearing the clutter in your home is no small task. In fact, some people think they’re keeping on top of things, but instead they’re just covering up the real problem. Could that be you too? What if I said I’ve got the perfect solution that will help you immediately clear the clutter in your home?…