If you're waiting for the rapture of the church and believe it will happen before the tribulation, you'll want to ask yourself this important question; What if?

1 Thing to Ask Yourself if You Believe in the Rapture of the Church

These past few months have been an interesting time for the whole world. I’ve heard many friends comment on how they can’t wait for the rapture of the church—before the tribulation.  With the uncertainties of the times and every day talk increasing about the idea of a one world economy, a cashless society, mandated vaccinations,…

9 Different Meal Planning Ideas
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9 Different Meal Planning Ideas to Make Dinner Fast, Delicious and Inexpensive.

For years I struggled with choosing from all the meal planning ideas. There’s so many options out there—which one will help to make dinner faster, yummy, and doesn’t bust the budget? When it comes to cooking, the biggest challenge you face is dinner. As moms we’re always pressed for time. We need things simple, fast—and…

6 Things to Look for in a Good Friend

6 Things to Look For in a Friend [and Where to Find Friends]

Making friends has always been pretty easy for me. But there’s some key things to look for in a friend that—to be honest, you won’t find easily. Even though I have lots of friends, there’s a big difference between friends and finding “your people”. So what’s the difference? “Your people” are the friends that are…