In December, I shared that I was doing
something that I had never done before—prepping for my 2017 goals using the
PowerSheets Intentional Goal Planner! Well, it’s not that I didn’t write my goals—it’s definitely been a journey. I actually forgot to write in time to share them with you! It’s February—yay!! I’m thrilled to say that my goals are still rockin’ it. I decided that this year was really going to be a year of cultivating consistency. I purposefully want to be focusing and doing what matters most to me and my family.
My Life Will Never Be the Same
I started with purchasing PowerSheets and let me tell you—my life will never. be. the. same!!! One of the reasons that it has taken me awhile to share with you my progress is because the total time that I have invested in preparing, planning, and doing my goals is upwards of 10 hours.
Yes, I said 10 hours, but…I am thrilled that I have invested that much time!
You see, I know that I am intentionally living a life that matters. I’m cultivating consistency! Today, I know what things I want to accomplish, focus on, and what I’m going to do to make that happen. Curious?
PowerSheets Prep Work
First, I started with the prep work for the
PowerSheets. It really was like a mini counseling session for me. It helped me to walk through what I was feeling, what I’m thinking, and what is holding me back—my fears. So, let me ask you this, what goal planner does that? What goal planner is consistent in helping you figure out what matters most?
This one! As I continued to work through each page, I would turn another page and it would help me dig a littler deeper. It helped to reveal the deepest parts of my heart. That is why I am loving this planner so much. It is so me and it is unveiling the best of me so I can be a better version of myself.
I Had No Idea
When I first started out, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. What I received was a very precious gift—a peace of mind and very clear direction. What surprised me most about the prep work? I was faced with acknowledging my own fears and recognizing that the “how” question is constantly preventing me from moving forward. Maybe you can relate? Ever find yourself thinking, “How am I going to do this, when I don’t have any time?”
PowerSheets helped me to focus more on my “why” so that I could be free to discover my how in the progress. The fruit of my “why” was discovering what fires me up, what I value most, and what I want to focus using one word. My word for 2017—consistency.
My Year of Consistency
After completing my prep work and really narrowing in on my “why”, I was able start right away in working on my goals. This part, to be honest, was the easy part. The prep work basically helped me to see what really matters to me. I came up with these four goals for my year of consistency:

1) Finances – I want to have a system for tracking and investing. It will open up communication between my husband and I, help us to tell our money where it’s going, establish some goals so that our money works for us, and provides opportunities for us to be more generous.
2) Family & Self – I want to walk more in freedom and to love well. I want to love my husband more tangibly, help cultivate a heart and mind for learning, imagination, and discovery. I want to be the fun mom! I want to flourish and thrive because I’ve taken care of myself well spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
3) Home – I want to create a rhythm and set of routines that foster consistency in all areas of managing our home. I’m thinking, meals, keeping the home, traditions, schedules, etc.
4) My Blog & Biz – I want to create an experience of consistency and continue to offer my audience authenticity and the highest of integrity so that they know that I can be fully trusted and that the message of Jesus Christ will be attractive. In addition, I’d love to see an increase in our income streams to foster that generosity component in my financial goal.
Making Things Happen
So after completing my goals, then I created an action plan that included my why for each goal, some starting steps, and identify the positive results from taking each step! My favorite part? Identifying how I would celebrate this goal when I complete it!!
Looking Back on January
So, I technically didn’t finish up my
PowerSheets until mid-January, so my January progress was somewhat short—but it was so worth it! I’ve never felt more disciplined, focused, or at peace because I’m walking in grace—not perfection. I’m jumping into February excited about working on my first goal with fervor and a complete month!
I’ve Made Progress with Consistency and You Can Too
It’s February and I’m thrilled to say that I have made progress. Last year at this time, I actually had just pulled together my goals. I called February my new January! Maybe that’s you this year? How about you? What would life look like if you focused and planned to do what matters most.
PowerSheets are sold out for this year, but you can place a pre-order for a
six month version here that will be available in the Spring. The 2018
PowerSheets will be made available late Summer of 2017. Want to get started making goals today? Lara Casey has some great information about goal setting,
beginning with this post, where she also offers a free goal setting guide.